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Museo Judio Villa Maria Córdoba - Argentina


Israeli Society

Open Museum





VISITING SCHEDULE VISITING SCHEDULE Monday to Sunday | 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Plan your visit

Download the Museum App

With the application you can consult and access information quickly. During the visit you can scan the QR codes to access complementary information of the objects and parts.

Search Engine

Access the information and people search engine. You can find information about minutes, people, bibliography and objects..

Open Museum

Do you have a photograph, digital document or information to contribute to the museum? You can share it with other people by adding it to the search engine.


Visitors Policy

The museum offers free guided tours for all educational levels and for interested groups. Made by specialized guides, in participatory frameworks where understanding is privileged. Advice to schools for the use of the museum as a teaching resource. Visits to the permanent exhibition may include different activities and workshops.


Who is it for?

To anyone over 12 years old

What I need?
Young people from 12 to 15 years old: Be accompanied by an adult. Wait for a group of 5 people, which is the minimum required for a visit.

How do I organize my visit?

Complete the following form with your contact information and a representative will help you organize the visit and take the tour with a guide.

Planifica tu visita al Museo Judio de Villa Maria Córdoba




Donate to the Museum

With your help you make it possible for us to continue supporting our educational programs, guided tours and activities. If you wish to donate a piece and / or object that enriches the heritage, please inform below:
Collaborating with a monthly social fee
Making a contribution extraordinary one-time
Cementerio Judio

The Israelite Cemetery of Villa María was founded in 1927, to allow it to fulfill the burial rites of the Jewish tradition.

Its creation was stipulated, only two years earlier, in the founding Statute of September 20, 1925 of the Israelite Benefit Society Hebrah Keduscha.

With a total initial capacity for 278 graves, until July 2019 Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews have been buried from a large region of the province of Córdoba, since the province has only 6 Jewish cemeteries (Córdoba Capital, Río Cuarto, Villa María, San Francisco, Cosquín and La Falda).

In 2019, a total restoration was carried out, relieving a total of 143 graves in July of that year, digitizing information and images of them, becoming the first Israeli cemeteries in Argentina with a digital information search service through the internet . The restoration also included the creation of a Shoah Memorial, honoring the victims of the Holocaust.

How to get
